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What's new in ArcGIS Workflow Manager

Available with Workflow Manager license.

The 11.4 release of ArcGIS Workflow Manager includes the following new features and enhanced functionality:

  • Use the Multi-selection toggle button on the Manage page to perform batch actions on jobs.
  • Close jobs from the Details panel.
  • Choose the table_name and field_name values for the JobExtendedProperty and JobRelatedProperty ArcGIS Arcade expressions from the This input supports Arcade expressions This input supports Arcade expressions menu.
  • Include supported attribute rules when creating replicas with the Create Replica step.
  • Search results on the Work page refresh when clicking the active search.

Functionality matrix

For an overview of the features available with your version of Workflow Manager, review the ArcGIS Workflow Manager 11.4 Functionality Matrix.

In this topic
  1. Functionality matrix